Girls Basketball

Bomber Girls Basketball

Announcements & More Information

To participate in athletics at RHS:

  1. Register at FamilyID
  2. Have a current physical on file at RHS, less than one year old. Click here for a new form: Sports Physical Form
  3. Pay ASB/Sports Fees: online payments

Athletics quicklinks:

Girls Basketball Recognitions

2022-23 Kylee Fox, MCC Girls Basketball Player of the Year
Kylee Fox, MCC Girls Basketball Defensive Player of the Year
Amy Westerfield, MCC Girls Basketball Coach of the Year
WIAA Academic 4A State Champs - Cumulative 3.92 GPA
2021-22 Kylee Fox, MCC Girls Basketball Player of the Year
WIAA Academic 4A State Champs - Cumulative 3.96 GPA
2020-21 Kylee Fox, MCC Girls Basketball Player of the Year



Amy Westerfield
Varsity Coach