High school is almost over and new opportunities are on the horizon.
RHS Career & College Center have created a packet full of information just for YOU! This senior packet is full of all the information you need to navigate your senior year, including a timeline, SAT/ACT, college and financial aid information and more.
Senior Year Checklist
As you plan and prepare for college, this checklist will help keep you on track throughout the process. The checklist highlight important aspects to focus on during each season of the year, including tips for both money and time management, and college and career planning.
Download the checklist or view it using the dropdown menus below.
Senior Year Checklist (ENGLISH) Lista De Verificación Del Último Año (español)
Senior College Resources
Making the Decision
Making the decision to go to college requires thought and careful planning. You must consider your goals in life—both educational and personal—and then decide how college might help you achieve those goals.
College Essays
The College Essay Guy is where students, parents, and counselors find smart, practical guidance for the college admission journey! The website is full of information and resources to help you prepare for your college journey!
Choosing a College
Choosing a college that is the right fit for you takes some analysis and consideration. Use these documents to help guide you to a college that will be the right fit for you!