Career & College Center

The Career Center provides resources to help students prepare for life after high school. Services include: identification of skills, abilities and talents for career exploration and selection, employment acquisition, post-secondary training options, and scholarships. Various workshops are offered during the year to help students plan for their future. The Career & College Center is located in room 1223. Come visit us!

Career & College Connections Newsletter:

Newsletter Archive 

Class Specific Resources

Announcements & Events

WA Labor & Industry Permission to Work

  • Please make sure you have the current form. Please share this form with your employer if they are using an older version.
  • All three pages should be completed.
  • All signatures must be obtained prior to submitting.
    • At this time Special Variances will not be approved.
  • Please bring your completed form to the Career Center to be signed.

Parent/School Authorization Form

Career & College Center Calendar